Explore the growing list of NetPyNE models being developed by the user community, and use them as a starting point, to get ideas or to borrow components. These include models of many different brain regions (e.g. cortex, thalamus, hippocampus, cerebellum), disease (e.g. epilepsy, schizophrenia, ischemia), treatments (e.g. ketamine, TMS/tDCS stimulation) and other brain phenomena (e.g. oscillatory coding, sensorimotor learning, memory retrieval).
NetPyNE's growing ecosystem includes interfaces with many tools, e.g., coreNEURON, LFPy, The Virtual Brain and SciUnit; standards in the field, e.g., NeuroML and SONATA; and integration with multiple platforms, e.g., Open Source Brain (OSB), EBRAINS and the Neuroscience Gateway (NSG).